Assortments of memories from college, either as class projects or executed around that time period.
for the 6th Porto Pride Parade
note that I didn't convert the font to curves and the people who printed the poster didn't realize the font had been changed to a default without the proper font weight
it was fun to see that people were placing Nyan Cat stickers on top of some of the printed posters
"Pandora" was my last analog photography project in college, and it involved producing a book
I used the opportunity to explore several different types of page interventions, like cuts, opening pages, transparency, etc
analog photography, focused on textures and experimenting in the laboratory
as with Illustration, I eventually realized color wasn't that terrifying
contrast, light and textures
stencil illustration, another tool I enjoy
first steps towards vector illustration; I eventually discovered I enjoy and have quite the patience for it
it also coincided with when I started experimenting with color
my first editorial design project ever, prior to college work; I had never done anything like it, and wasn't sure how much it entailed before I got my hands on making it work
bonus: I was a bit stubborn about Adobe Indesign at first just because I was convinced in was for Interior Designing
by Pedro Sequeira
Thank you for looking!
College Projects